Scramblers on Slieve Muck

Slieve Muck
I am an ancient wall of stone, atop a hill so high
And if you listen with your heart, you just may hear my cry
Wall of Stone - Benny Friedman
Photo: Darrell Mawhinney


Click on any + plus sign below to read about the activity.

Our groups meet at various venues throughout the City of Lisburn, making optimum use of many excellent facilities provided by Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and other organisations. We are indebted to the local council for their continued support through workshops and the Community Support Grant. These enable us to expand our horizons and to greatly broaden the activities, interests and skills of members. We tend to operate and explore places and events within Northern Ireland with occasional, self-funded trips to the UK and Europe.

For further information about any of our groups, contact:
We don’t publish group leader contact information on our site.
The first Activity – Antiques – is always open.
Click on any + plus sign to read about another activity.

Hillsborough Village Community Centre – 2nd Wed of each month, 7:30 pm

If you admire beautifully crafted objects, are interested in the history and the identification of antiques; or keep your own collection – postcards, stamps, plates, china, silver etc., then this is the group to join. A fully organised programme of events is arranged with guest speakers attending meetings at Hillsborough Village Centre, and with outings to antique shops and auctions. 

Kilmakee Activity Centre, Seymour Hill Estate – Tuesdays, 10:00 am 

This is an activity that you may never have thought of trying; maybe one that you are sure you couldn’t do successfully! The ethos of the U3A is to try out new activities, learn new skills and prove to yourself that you are capable! Conducted under the watchful eye of an experienced, qualified instructor, all equipment is supplied. Come on, surprise yourself! 

Lisburn Racquets Club, Belfast Rd, Lisburn – Wednesdays, 10:30 am.

We meet at Lisburn Racquets Club. We are a keen group of badminton players – best described as “mixed ability”!! A little experience of playing would be useful although not essential – enthusiasm works just as well. Racquets can be provided by the Club and they ask that all players wear suitable footwear.

If you are interested in playing and joining in on the fun, please contact the group leader by emailing  as there may be a waiting list for new players.

Volunteer Member’s Homes – 1st Thurs of each month, 10:30 am

If you enjoy reading and having a good chat with others who have read the same books, this is the group for you.

We meet once a month, having read a book suggested by one of our members, and talk about it. Opinions can vary and characters in the books can often be seen in different ways – but everyone’s view is appreciated. Sometimes we even wander off in other directions discussing topics that we are reminded of by things that we have read!

We usually begin with tea or coffee with biscuits and hold our meetings in the home of one of the members – but it is not essential that everyone hosts a meeting. It is all very amicable and someone is always sure to volunteer to host the next meeting.

Volunteer Member’s Homes – Last Tuesday of each month, 10:30 am
Most months we meet also mid-month for a more informal Book Chat at a local café.

A group for people who love reading and enjoy discussing books. We focus on fiction, aiming to explore territory we might not have visited as individuals. Book choices are diverse – classics and contemporary works, established writers and newcomers, settings and themes from around the world and across the ages, books written in English which may not be the writer’s first language seasoned with translations from other languages. The range of opinions is as varied as the book choices and the craic is good. 

Indoor Bowls at Kilmakee Activity Centre  Seasonal SEPT – MAY

Commencing 5th September 2023

Tues 2:00 pm


Thurs 10:00 am.

Outdoor Bowls – Summer Season – May TO SEPTEMBER  

Tuesday afternoon from 1.45pm


Thursday mornings from 10.15am.

Last session on 31 August for 2023

Lisburn Racquets Club, Belfast Road – Thursdays, 7.30 pm

If you are an experienced Bridge player, or have had some game experience and wish to improve your playing strategy then this is the group for you. Play takes place in an easy, relaxed atmosphere where everyone is made to feel welcome. All details can be obtained from the Group Leader at the monthly meeting.

Commencing 17th September at Hilden Brewery on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm.

The group will meet on 17 September with new members wishing to learn to play Bridge commencing 24 September.

From time to time beginner classes, held for 6 consecutive weeks, are arranged for those wanting to try Bridge for the first time.

Happy Days, Moira Road, Lisburn – Fridays, 10:30 am

Crochet has proved a popular activity over the years. We started with the basics and have developed our skills and techniques together, building friendships along the way. At weekly meetings we share ideas, patterns and materials and enjoy the coffee and the company. Whether cooperating on joint projects or working at something individual, we give each other inspiration and encouragement and a helping hand when needed with new stitches or challenging designs. The crochet group is currently full but if you are interested in starting or joining a second crochet group contact

Meets in a local restaurant

For those looking to dine out in a local restaurant in pleasant company. We meet at varied times and venues, so contact the Group Leader to go on the mailing list for upcoming outings.

Varied Venues – Varied days, Varied times

A group for film lovers and for those who enjoy getting out in the company of like-minded friends. The Film Group usually visits the local cinema on a fortnightly basis to view one of the latest releases that has generated good reviews.

Varied Venues – Varied days, Varied times

Garden visits with tips and behind the scenes information from the owners to give us all some inspiration in our plots large and small.

Varied Venues and Times (Course dependent) Play is casual – No club-membership, No handicap, No obligation to participate regularly or play competitively.

There are two separate golf groups – WEEKLY GOLF and SUMMER GOLF
Arrangements are made via two separate WhatsApp groups. If you’re interested in participating just ask the Group Leader to add you to either or both WhatsApp Groups. Members have a Contacts List showing Group Leader details. Otherwise request details from

WEEKLY GOLF – Most Monday Mornings at either Aberdelghy or Down Royal.
– A monthly outing from April until October usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month. A different course each month and often followed by a meal in the Clubhouse.

St John’s Hall Dromara – Tuesdays, 6 – 7:30 pm.


    • No previous experience needed.
    • Train at any level including absolute beginners.
    • Only light contact between participants (you won’t be beating each other up!)
    • Excellent physical exercise.
    • Encourages stamina and flexibility.
    • Exercise is good for mental health.

The Group Leader is a third Dan Black Belt, an experienced instructor and a qualified international referee for karate.

What does Dan black belt mean?

Although the dan system is distinctly Japanese, it has been adopted by many other martial arts styles. The dan system and the well-known symbol of a black belt have been absorbed into common usage to represent a person with above-average or highly trained skills in a particular discipline. 

Dan means that you have passed the preliminary learning stages and proven yourself worthy for the higher learning.

They say a black belt is just a white belt who didn’t give up.

Varied Venues – Varied days, Varied times

Enjoy day trips out with friends to various venues of interest, usually on a monthly or bimonthly basis. Transport to these events is by means of public transport or car sharing.

Previous destinations include – Queen’s University, historic Titanic dock area boat cruise, Coca Cola factory, Crumlin Gaol, the Ulster Hall, back stage at the Belfast Opera House, Festival of Light at Mount Stewart, Ballance House, Ulster American Folk Park, Ballywalter House, Lissan House. But don’t just read about it – be a part of it!

Parish Room, Hillsborough Parish Church – 2nd & 4th Fridays, 2:00 pm

No, you do not have to be an experienced singer or previous choir member! You do not need to be a great singer or have an ability to read music! The main qualification for joining our singing group is a love of singing and an enthusiasm to join similarly minded friends in having a great time through exercising the vocal chords. So why not come along and join in the fun?

Varied Venues – Varied days, Varied times

We are lucky to have a number of National Trust properties within Northern Ireland including historic industrial properties and grand houses, many with landscaped gardens and extensive walking trails. Our National Trust group mainly visits them when particular events, fairs, markets, concerts etc. are taking place.

We also enjoy the natural cycle taking place in the gardens with the arrival of bluebells, daffodils and the blossom and fall of the leaves. Anyone can join us and pay on entry, but many of our members are also members of the National Trust and enjoy free entry.

Hillsborough Village Community Centre – Tuesdays, 10:30 am

For those who always wanted to have a go at painting but who neither had the time nor the opportunity to exercise their creative flare! This is a fantastic chance to join a small group of enthusiastic members who, first and foremost, want their painting to be fun and enjoyable. From beginner to the more experienced – everyone can enjoy two hours of experimenting, creating, chatting and drinking coffee! There is always a more experienced member on hand to guide the budding artist in the right direction. Everyone’s output is valued, so come along and have a go …after all, where else can you get coffee, craic and a biscuit for only £1?!

This is a new group which meets occasionally.

A social group for those interested in photography. It is not a competitive group.
The social aspect is very important with photography visits and tuition sessions planned. 

Lisburn Racquets Club, Belfast Road – 1st & 3rd Thurs each month, 2:00 pm

This is a great way to:

1. forge new friendships
2. keep the little grey cells exercised and alert
3. expand and improve linguistic skills

Scrabble Group members meet in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere to enjoy friendships and share knowledge through Scrabble. You most definitely do not need to be an expert wordsmith! Minimum requirements Scrabble group members must have – a general love of the English language and a determination to enjoy life to the full through friendship and convivial conversation!

Coach Snooker Club, Hillsborough – Tuesdays, 7:30 pm

Our Snooker Group meets every Tuesday at the Coach Club, 41 Old Coach Road, Hillsborough. Contact the Group Leader at one of our monthly meetings for further details.
Note:- There are places available – but we will still expect you to cue!

LaganView Enterprise Centre, Lisburn – Mondays, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon, class is for Mixed Ability

Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion,” as this form of exercise is known to have great value in promoting the health of both body and mind.

Varied Venues – Varied days, Varied times

For those who enjoy going to the theatre, or to shows, plays, musicals, concerts, etc. Venues vary but are mainly centred on theatres in Belfast or at Lagan Valley Arts’ Centre in Lisburn. Advance booking is essential so that we can organise block seating and, at times, negotiate group discounts! Forthcoming events are advertised in the monthly LU3A newsletter and further details are provided at monthly meetings. Seats can be booked by payment at monthly meetings or by post. Everyone is most welcome.

Varied Venues – Every Monday, 10:15 am 

There are few things more enjoyable than a short stroll of a mile or so followed by a cup of refreshing tea or coffee and some stimulating conversation at a convenient coffee shop! The walks are organised by volunteer members and programmes are drawn up in advance covering 6 to 8 weeks. Walks are scheduled to start at 10.15 a.m. and finish in good time so that members can be home for lunch. The Strollers enjoy and share the delights of the countryside throughout the four seasons of the year. 

The walks are now organised via WhatsApp. As the weather is unpredictable, the walks are announced the day before the walk. Please contact the Group Leader by emailing  if you wish to join.

Varied Venues – 3rd Sat of month, 10 am

A group for those who enjoy the great outdoors in any weather! Walks are organised by volunteer members and are approximately 4 miles in duration. Terrain is generally flat with occasional hills; and walking surfaces vary from paved pathway to rough track. Car sharing is optional.

In accordance with the U3A Personal Accident Insurance policy, members take responsibility for their own care, safety and equipment and follow the advice of the walk leader to minimise risks to themselves and to others in the group.

Varied Venues – Weekly – Monday, 10:30  am

A group for those who enjoy the great outdoors in any weather! Walks are organised by volunteer members and are approximately 5 miles in duration. Terrain is generally flat with occasional hills; and walking surfaces vary from paved pathway to rough track. Refreshments are venue dependent and are either in the form of packed lunch or local coffee shop produce.

Varied Venues – 2nd Monday each  month, 10:30 am

A group for those who enjoy walking in the mountains but who do not necessarily want to tackle the mountain peaks! Walks around the lower mountain slopes extend to 4-5 miles and are usually centred in the Mourne Mountains. The terrain is mixed and the ground underfoot variable. Walkers should expect to encounter – at some point – boggy conditions, rocks and rocky ground, and occasional steep ascents/descents. A sensible approach to health and safety is required. Appropriate waterproof clothing and proper walking boots are essential; whilst walking poles and gaiters are recommended. Walks are volunteer led.

Varied Venues – Every Thursday each month, starting at 09:30 am.

A group for those who enjoy and who can endure more challenging physical activity. Walks extend to 8-12 Km, with 400- 600 Metres ascent, and are generally centred in the Mourne Mountains. The terrain is mixed and the ground underfoot variable. Walkers should expect to encounter at some point – boggy conditions, rocks and rocky ground, and occasional steep ascents/descents. A sensible approach to health and safety is required – Appropriate waterproof clothing and proper walking boots are essential; whilst walking poles and gaiters are recommended. Walks are planned and led by an experienced mountain walker.

New members welcome!

LaganView Enterprise Centre, Lisburn – Wednesday, 4-5 pm, Thursdays 11am -12.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. It consists of postures designed to increase strength flexibility balance and breathing.

If you wish to join us and improve your flexibility please contact the Group Leaders through We will be happy to answer your queries and give information.

A place, day and time that suits
Is the one thing that you are interested in, or have expertise and experience of, missing from the list?

Is the activity one that you could organise, lead and share with LU3A members? This is your opportunity to participate, lead and play an active role in bringing something new to our Lisburn U3A.

Contact the Group Leader Convener –

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